An Oracle Card Reading for the Collective: Attachment

I wanted to do an oracle card reading for the collective…The card I drew was “Attachment.”

This card speaks of the things in our daily life that we have grown attached to, that are familiar to us—but that might also be a ball and chain, an anchor, something that is draining our energy, or possibly taking up space, preventing the energy of new experiences from entering our life.

It could be a job we’ve been at for so long that we’ve failed to recognize (or admit to ourselves) that it no longer brings us joy, but we do it out of habit, routine, or duty, because we think we have to, that we need it, or believe we are dependent upon it.

It could be a committee, group, or program we’ve participated in for a while. Something that doesn’t feel quite right anymore, that we’ve outgrown, and might feel urged to let go of, but haven’t.

It could involve someone we repeatedly receive some type of service from out of convenience, yet have a gut feeling urging us to go with someone new. 

It is critical to constantly reevaluate our commitments and ask ourselves if they are still right for us. By letting go of things that somewhere inside of us no longer feel like they are in alignment with us we will find new opportunities arise in their place. 

Opportunities that could not have arisen if we hadn’t let go of the things we were holding on to so tightly, even when they began to feel outdated. Our attachments to ideas and things can become a trap preventing us from moving forward, from transforming…and creating something new. 

It’s important to remember that life is fluid not stagnant. In the future things will not look the way they do now—our life, the people we know, the circumstances we find ourselves in—will all have changed. 

Every moment in time is fleeting. We cannot hold on to a moment or period of time and preserve it forever; we can only live the moment we find ourselves in to its fullest while it is happening.

We constantly change and cannot be attached to things we previously created or chose simply because we made the decision that they were right for us in the past. We must consider what feels right and true for us in our lives right now, and have the courage to release the things that don’t.