While combing through the handwritten archives of my journals I came across an insight I previously wrote down that I wanted to share. I often receive insights in my dreams, right before sleep, upon waking, and when in very relaxed states.
Regarding this specific journal entry, one morning I woke up and found myself thinking about how the law of resonance (like resonates with like) is mathematical.
It was another way to think about this concept. A new angle to consider it from. When we vibrate at, or are in a lower frequency, we attract its equivalent—or in other words, more of the same.
Similar to a mathematical equation the input computes the output.
The same concept applies when we are in a higher vibrational, amazing feeling state as well. There is a direct correlation between what we put into our inner world and what we experience in our outer world as a result.
We are always attracting. Whatever we are vibrating at (in other words the vibration we are holding—often through a combination of thoughts, beliefs, mental pictures, and even what we have physically ingested in our bodies) sends out a vibratory signal to find its match.
Now on to the breath: Our in and out breath is said to help manifest whatever we may be holding in our vibratory field (whether positive or negative), which is where the importance of working with our breath comes in.
Breathwork Technique
Inhale deeply, hold your breath, and then exhale your breath. Repeat.
Go ahead and try it: Breathe in deeply. Then hold your breath and pay attention to what your overall vibration feels like in that moment. The drawn-out pause creates the space to become aware of your vibration. It’s a great way to instantly become present in the moment, as well as to become aware of the vibration you are holding/emanating. Then exhale releasing your breath fully. You can do this as many times as you like. As an incredible bonus, slowing down the breath and mind in this way will also begin to calm your nervous system!