While looking around my room one day, a mandala coloring book I’d received several months prior as a gift from work colleagues, caught my eye.
I could tell I was being drawn to it.
Like it was (energetically) calling out to me.
My first thought was I don’t feel like coloring. I’m not interested in doing that right now.
However, since I’d felt drawn to it I decided to pick it up anyways, knowing that whenever I feel that type of energetic connection with something (for me it feels like that item has a palpable energy to it, or like it’s really catching my eye in that moment) there’s always a reason.
To my surprise, when I opened the book written on the first page was the following quote…
“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity” —Amelia Earhart
I instantly laughed as I finished reading the words, a confirmation that it was exactly the thing that I was meant to find.
I had no idea that coloring book even had quotes in it. It served as a great reminder that following our intuitive hits pays off.
For me, those words were speaking to/confirming a decision that I’d been contemplating daily at that time. A major life decision which I would eventually make, which was to leave my career of nearly ten years…and enter into the unknown.