Shifting Out of Depression

When you begin to shift out of depression and start to come back into alignment you are not trying to be or get back to the old version of yourself before the depression (aka the person who was depression-free). You are realigning yourself and reacquainting yourself with your soul and with who you are now—at the present time. 

You are recalibrating. You don’t have to know all the answers in advance regarding what you like or don’t like, what you’ll do with the rest of your life, and so on. You only need to concern yourself with following your interests and bliss throughout your day. When something lights you up and excites you, pursue it. If it doesn’t, start cutting those things out—the things that don’t make you feel in alignment. 

When you follow the things that bring you enjoyment, interest you, and excite you they open up your field. You will find more of those same things becoming readily available to you. And the more they do, then that begins to become your “new normal.” 

As a reminder, if you feel yourself beginning to wallow and you start thinking down about yourself or others, or find yourself having negative thoughts, then it is time to immediately switch into another thought frame or activity. Put on some music and start dancing. This is my go to, and always works to elevate my mood.  

Whether it’s depression or just feeling low, it’s okay to acknowledge the emotion you’re experiencing. However, don’t wallow in it; Do not fuel the fire with similar unwanted thoughts. It’s just a recipe for continuing to feel low. It’s the wrong kind of cocktail.

If you want to feel better listen to your soul and follow your interests and curiosity. Make the decisions that truly feel good to you, not decisions made simply to fulfill obligations, to please others, or because you think they are the “right” thing to do. It always comes back to authenticity and making the choices and decisions that feel right and true for you. Take time to feel your decisions out before making them, and watch your life begin to transform as a result.