Category Everyday Intuition

Shifting Out of Depression

When you begin to shift out of depression and start to come back into alignment you are not trying to be or get back to the old version of yourself before the depression (aka the person who was depression-free). You are…

I Am Setting: Standing in Your Personal Power

The other morning I was driving along a main road, getting ready to turn into a driveway leading into a parking area, when I noticed a car behind me. I said to myself something like, I think it’s judging me…

You Are An Expression of Divine Consciousness

A wild orchid I came across while walking along a hidden path to the beach in Kauai You are a divine expression.  You are God Consciousness expressing itself through the filter of (insert your name here). When we have interests…

Can I Do Anything About This Difficult Feeling?

Asking yourself this question works well when you’re feeling what I’ll call “downward momentum” feelings… like irritability, sadness, moodiness, depression, being discontent, feeling not good enough, and so on. Or maybe your thinking has taken you on a deep dive…

An Oracle Card Reading for the Collective: Attachment

I wanted to do an oracle card reading for the collective…The card I drew was “Attachment.” This card speaks of the things in our daily life that we have grown attached to, that are familiar to us—but that might also…