
Do We Receive Insights In Our Dreams?

While combing through the handwritten archives of my journals I came across an insight I previously wrote down that I wanted to share. I often receive insights in my dreams, right before sleep, upon waking, and when in very relaxed states.  Regarding this specific journal entry, one morning I woke up and found myself thinking about how the law of resonance (like resonates with like) is mathematical. It was another way to think about this concept. A new angle to consider it from. When we vibrate at, or are in…

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Shifting Out of Depression

When you begin to shift out of depression and start to come back into alignment you are not trying to be or get back to the old version of yourself before the depression (aka the person who was depression-free). You are realigning yourself and reacquainting yourself with your soul and with who you are now—at the present time.  You are recalibrating. You don’t have to know all the answers in advance regarding what you like or don’t like, what you’ll do with the rest of your life, and so on. You…

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I Am Setting: Standing in Your Personal Power

The other morning I was driving along a main road, getting ready to turn into a driveway leading into a parking area, when I noticed a car behind me. I said to myself something like, I think it’s judging me (that’s what I felt was happening). My first reaction was to make my energy larger, and I was like, “No, I’ll be the judge,” but then I quickly said to myself, I don’t want to judge anyone or to be judged. Because I don’t. Neither is balanced.  I said in…

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You Are An Expression of Divine Consciousness

A wild orchid I came across while walking along a hidden path to the beach in Kauai You are a divine expression.  You are God Consciousness expressing itself through the filter of (insert your name here). When we have interests or desires to do something—big or small—they are there to be expressed by us, in our own unique way. They are meant to be filtered through us in a way that only we can offer to the world.  To block our passions, desires, and interests from manifesting is to block…

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Can I Do Anything About This Difficult Feeling?

Asking yourself this question works well when you’re feeling what I’ll call “downward momentum” feelings… like irritability, sadness, moodiness, depression, being discontent, feeling not good enough, and so on. Or maybe your thinking has taken you on a deep dive (it happens to all of us) and your thoughts have brought you to a low point, or to a place that doesn’t feel very good. When you find yourself in a moment that doesn’t feel good, ask yourself: Can I do anything about this? Vary rarely, if ever, would the…

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