
Joshua Tree National Park—Here’s What You Need to Know

Living in Southern California, Joshua Tree National Park had been on my radar for a while. I would come across people every now and then who had been there and always recommended it. The last time this happened I was inside a coffee shop and the barista working behind the counter whipped out his cell phone and began showing me pictures of his recent trip to Joshua Tree. After that, I began to take it as a sign that it might be somewhere I needed to visit.  When a close…

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The Consciousness of Trees…As Revealed in a Dream

Recently I dreamt about trees. What I remembered upon waking was seeing and sensing that I was in a grove of tall trees with skinny light grayish/white trunks, and I had the knowing that they were “young” trees.  Later, while writing my dream down in a journal the word “Birch” came to me. Not being familiar with what Birch trees looked like I later looked them up online, and sure enough they matched the description of what I’d been seeing/sensing in my dream.  Either while I was still dreaming, or…

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The Red Hibiscus: A Symbolism of Presence

While relaxing one day I noticed the red hibiscus flower, bright, full, proud, and radiant. Eye catching. As I spent time gazing at the red hibiscus flower, really noticing and appreciating it, I got the strong sense that the vibration of this flower, or in other words its message, was about being in the present moment. Being-here-now. Since that time, its message has continued to come back to me over and over again.  Flowers carry specific vibrations which is why working with flower essences, or simply being in a flower’s…

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Mammoth Lakes–Nature’s Playground

The Calling I was feeling drawn to go some place where I could be surrounded by trees…lots and lots of trees, and in particular, pines. To be in that specific kind of natural arena, where I could walk through the woods, gaze up at the endless trees, and hear the sounds of the natural world—the kind that can best be heard in the presence of vast open nature. I wanted to take in the woodsy smells of the Earth, trees, and plants, and breathe in fresh mountain air. I had a…

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This is Not Mine Alone to Carry

Somewhere around the time when the day begins to wind down and turn into the evening those who are sensitive to energy might experience a bit of sadness or a melancholy feeling around this time.  I tend to notice this on Sunday evenings. I think at that time the feelings can be especially prevalent because not only has the day that was once so full of possibilities begun to wind down, but for many people there’s a sense of our free time coming to an end, and the tasks and…

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